
Carrier aggregation

Carrier aggregation ... In wireless communication, carrier aggregation is a technique used to increase the data rate per user, whereby multiple frequency blocks ( ...

Carrier aggregation

2023年10月12日 — Types of carrier aggregation[edit] · The case where the component carriers are contiguous in the same frequency band is called intra-band ...

Carrier Aggregation explained

2022年12月11日 — Carrier aggregation is used in LTE-Advanced in order to increase the bandwidth, and thereby increase the bitrate. Since it is important to keep ...

LTE Speed Discrepancies

2020年7月9日 — In this particular example, the most logical explanation for the speed discrepancy is that Cat 6 supports 2 carrier aggregation (2CA).


載波聚合(英語:carrier aggregation)是一項無線通訊技術,用於聚合多個載波單元(英語:component carrier,或稱組成載波、分量載波)以提高傳輸頻寬。


Carrieraggregation...Inwirelesscommunication,carrieraggregationisatechniqueusedtoincreasethedatarateperuser,wherebymultiplefrequencyblocks( ...,2023年10月12日—Typesofcarrieraggregation[edit]·Thecasewherethecomponentcarriersarecontiguousinthesamefrequencybandiscalledintra-band ...,2022年12月11日—CarrieraggregationisusedinLTE-Advancedinordertoincreasethebandwidth,andtherebyincreasethebitrate.Sin...